Category: Travel
The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum is supporting the American Species Survival Plan (SSP) program, coordinated by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, by breeding the Museum's resident male ocelot to a female partner brought in specifically to facilitate the breeding. The Desert Museum and guests are getting ready to count down the days as kitten(s) would be born between Nov. 4 - Dec. 26, 2015.

Coming soon—Raptor Free Flight! Feel the brush of feathers as native birds of prey fly directly over your head! This popular presentation is a great photo opportunity! Catch them soaring over the beautiful Sonoran Desert and perched next to you in the observation area. Starts Saturday, Oct. 17th; two presentations daily 10am & 2pm.Free with museum admission.

Entrants must have taken their photo at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum with the past year. The three categories were: Advanced for cameras with interchangeable lenses; Basic for cameras, basic point-and-shoot and super zoom; and Instagram photos. In addition to first and second place in these categories, a Best of Show was selected.
The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum's Cool Summer Nights event series culminates in a bilingual celebration of the Spanish heritage of the Sonoran Desert, "Fiesta de Fin de Verano" (End of Summer Party) features music by four popular Spanish performers, live animal presentations, educational activities. All activities are presented in both English and Spanish. Regular admission rates; members free..